Placement Resources

Below you will find information to help you prepare for and enter the job market. Please contact the Placement Director if you have any questions.

Placement Director

Ryan. P. Hanley
McGuinn 429

Academic Job Listings

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

American Political Science Association

Academic 360

Chronicle of Higher Education

H-Net Job Guide

Jack Miller Center

Placement Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure that you meet the benchmarks to go on the job market.

Download the Department of Political Science Placement Checklist

Creating a Compelling Application Packet

Advice for the Job Market, Written by Emily Thorson

Helpful Articles

Jobs in Academia

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Getting and Keeping a Job at a Private Liberal Arts College, but Your Graduate Advisor Didn't Tell You" by Michelle Donaldson Deardorff, et al. in PS: Political Science & Politics, Dec. 2010.

"Academic Jobs in Political Science: Looking Forward and Back" by Micheal Brintnall in PS Supplement, April 2010.

"Symposium: Political Theorists" in PS: Political Science & Politics, April 2010.

Tenure-Track Employment Opportunities at the Community College Level: A View from the Job Candidate's Perspective” by Donald Kent Douglas in PS: Political Science & Politics, March 2002.

Faculty Careers in Community Colleges: Placement and Professional Gratification PS: Political Science & Politics, March 2002.

So You Want To Get a Tenure-Track Job. . .” by Daniel W. Drezner in PS: Political Science & Politics, Sept. 1998.

Conferences and Networking

Network in Progress: A Conference Primer for Graduate Students” by Devashree Gupta and Israel Waismel-Manor in PS: Political Science and Politics, July 2006.

Job Applications, Job Talks, and Interviews

"Uncle Wuffle's Advice on Job Talks" by A. Wuffle in PS: Political Science & Politics, Oct. 2006.

No Second Chance at Making a Good First Impression: Peril and Possibility in the Campus Visit” by Jon B. Gould and Scott Keeter in PS: Political Science & Politics, Oct. 2003.

"On the Market: Strategies for the Successful Job Candidate" by Evelyn M Simien in PS: Political Science & Politics, Sept. 2002.

Navigating the Academic Job Market Minefield” by Ralph G. Carter and James M. Scott in PS: Political Science & Politics, Sept. 1998.

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