Arts Festival 2020: Ignite Creativity

Arts Festival 2020 Image Banner

A new decade of artistic expression has begun, and the Boston College community is coming together to “Ignite Creativity” and celebrate the 22nd annual Boston College Arts Festival. This year’s festival has been re-imagined in a virtual space, where local and global communities can gather to experience the arts at Boston College. During difficult times we turn to the arts, and artists are nothing if not adaptable, especially when facing challenges.

Now more than ever, our world is interconnected through technological advancements and interdisciplinary developments. Artists become a creative force, innovatively navigating this new complex reality.

Join us as we ignite this creative revolution through the dynamic art forms being cultivated throughout the Boston College community.



Coloring Pages

Grab your physical or digital crayons and enjoy some coloring time with these pages created by Arts Council staff member, Emma Hardy '20. 

Post your colored creations to Instagram and tag @bc_artscouncil for a share!

Artists, in the most difficult of circumstances, continue to create. Art brings us together in solace and laughter even in the worst of times. During this pandemic, we are witness to artists coming together online all over the world. It is truly remarkable. And now with a virtual Arts Festival, the Boston College artists can also reunite online to bring joy and togetherness when we need it the most.
Crystal Tiala, Chair, Boston College Arts Council; Associate Professor and Chair, Theatre Department

Virtual Schedule

You will find a myriad of creative expression across multiple Arts Council platforms, including, this website, Instagram and Facebook, as well as the newly launched BC Arts Journal. Groups, individuals, and classes have continued to create and connect through social distancing, and each of the above-mentioned channels will showcase these collaborations, works of art, and community highlights.

Arts Festival 2020 at a Glance


Student Arts Awards


Student Arts Organizations


Community Highlights

Student Arts Awards

The Boston College Arts Council recognizes students who have made an outstanding contribution to the arts by fostering, expanding or participating in the arts on campus or in the community. This year’s winners span disciplines, including Music, Philosophy, International Studies and Journalism; Theatre, French, Art History and Applied Psychology & Human Development; and Computer Science, German Studies, Biology and Studio Art. 

Each of this year's recipients have integrated the arts into the undergraduate experience in different ways. Nominated by members of the faculty and staff, this year’s recipients, are not only gifted in the visual or performing arts, but they also embody a spirit of collaboration and creativity that enrich the BC experience. 











To Hang a Pencil

To Hang a Pencil is a poetry and art collaborative that uses the combined effort of more than 40 artists from across the country to portray the intricacies and nuances of navigating a serious mental illness in our world today.

The dedicated, innovative, and diverse design team has created visual representations of poetry written by Boston College Alumnus, B. Burke '15, MEd '17, over the course of ten years that allow audiences to intimately step into their experiences with manic episodes, psychosis, internalized transphobia and homophobia, institutionalization, recovery and more. ​

Ultimately, To Hang a Pencil hopes to move audiences toward a deeper sense of empathy for those who struggle with mental health challenges and provide the platform for vulnerable and revelatory conversations on the topic.

Activities and Games

Arts Fest BINGO!

Follow along Thursday–Saturday on Instagram and play the official Arts Festival BINGO! card. Share your winning BINGO! card to Instagram Stories and tag @bc_artscouncil for a share, and to be entered to win Arts Festival swag! Winners will be chosen at random and will be announced on Saturday between 7:00–7:30 p.m. Festival swag including stickers, pins and more, will be shipped to the winner's home this summer.


Arts Fest Bucket List

Arts Festival bucket list! Share your bucket list and tag @bc_artscouncil. The list will be made available on Friday at 6:30 p.m. via the Arts Council Instagram Stories.

Pick your Arts Fest Tent

Choose your quarantine house, Arts Festival edition. Based off the “choose your quarantine house” meme, choose the Art Festival performance, location, and group you would want to shelter in place with. Tents will be announced on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. via the Arts Council Instagram Stories. Don’t forget to share your "Tent" and tag @bc_artscouncil for a share!

Explore the Virtual Arts Festival