Alumni Profiles

Martin Casiano

Martin Casiano '15

Academic reputation, 靠近城市和美丽的校园都是马丁选择电子游戏软件的原因, but what “sealed the deal” was attending the Keith A. 弗朗西斯阿哈纳周末,并爱上了学生和教授的社区.

Cecilia Aycinena

Cecilia Aycinena '14

Cecilia is currently working for Univision Communications, Inc. 她将自己的经验和学位用于网络规划的广告销售协调员.

Catherine Boyle

Catherine Boyle '14

凯瑟琳曾担任本科生电子游戏正规平台员,并完成了一篇关于危机沟通的荣誉论文. 她目前在Brunswick Group担任客户电子游戏正规平台员, a corporate communications firm in New York City.

Emily Mervosh

Emily Mervosh '14

Emily writes, “The first lesson I learned at BC, which then echoed throughout my four years, 是说世界上绝大多数人没有机会接受大学教育,我们有责任吗, therefore, to use our education to help others.”

Maggie Rulli

Maggie Rulli '14

麦琪认为,她在电子游戏软件的传播学生涯为她现在的经历和工作做好了准备. Maggie says, “Every single day, 我在工作中使用的东西是我在BC的交流课上学到的.”

Kristen Scott

Kristen Scott '14

克里斯汀觉得她的专业教会了她如何“更批判性地思考世界”, to more deeply assess the media and formulate my own opinion, and to write persuasively. 所有这些技能在日常生活和工作上都对我有帮助.”

Rob Wennington

Rob Wennington '14

罗布认为,沟通专业教会了他可以应用于任何行业的技能. He writes, “I became a stronger public speaker, a more creative thinker, and a self-motivated individual through my years in the major.”

Olga Khmylev

Olga Khmylev '13

Currently, 奥尔加是曲棍球学院的全职项目经理, 这是一个一流的冰球训练和发展项目,在与布法罗军刀队有关的海港中心.

McEdward Laguerre

McEdward Laguerre '13

麦克爱德华认为,沟通专业为他在Hill Holliday担任人才招聘协调员的工作做好了准备, an advertising agency. He writes, “Understanding how to communicate to different types of people, in different types of environments, is vital to success…"

Jennifer Modica

Jennifer Modica '13

詹妮弗明白实习的价值,从大一秋季开始,她就申请了几个实习机会. Experiences in journalism, brand marketing, 和宣传使她在SHIFT通信公司担任客户主管的职位.

Margaux Labaudiniere

Margaux Labaudiniere '12

玛歌鼓励BC的学生接受挑战,“不要回避学术挑战和机会,比如荣誉课程和研讨会." She is currently employed with Goldman Sachs.

Sean Lane

Sean Lane '12

肖恩强调,他在这里结下了一生的友谊,并建议现在的学生“珍惜每一刻,因为你的四年时间过得太快了. 拓展,冒险,每天努力认识新的人.”

Luisa Navarro

Luisa Navarro '12

路易莎珍惜她在电子游戏软件的四年里经历的许多传统——在巴普斯特图书馆学习, attending football games, and meeting students from all over the country.

Aubrey Pringle

Aubrey Pringle '12

According to Aubrey, “我遇到的所有学生都被迫以有益于他人的方式利用他们的教育.奥布里在西北大学梅迪尔新闻学院完成了她的新闻学硕士学位.

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson '12

Sam double majored in communication and psychology, 并将这两个学术领域的知识带到宾夕法尼亚大学犯罪学电子游戏正规平台项目的电子游戏正规平台生工作中.

Nicole Shirley

Nicole Shirley '12

电子游戏软件“男人和女人为他人着想”的理想深深打动了妮可, 对服务和社区的关注对她的学术和个人成长产生了很大的影响.

Xian Bu

Xian Bu '11

对电视报道和制作的兴趣使她进入了哥伦比亚大学新闻电子游戏正规平台生院. 完成电子游戏正规平台生学业后,她立志成为一名驻外记者.

Dan Duquette

Dan Duquette '11

To complement his coursework, Dan sought out co-curricular experiences and interned at WCVB, ESPN, and served as sports director/on-air talent for WZBC Radio.

Erika Hernandez

Erika Hernandez '11

While at BC, Erika completed a summer internship at CNN, served as president of the AHANA Leadership Council, and played on the Women’s Rugby Club. 她现在是“为美国而教”的一名高中数学教师.

Jungkyu Lee

Jungkyu Lee '11

As a communication major, 中圭说,他能够发挥自己的创造力,磨练自己的写作技巧. “Whenever I could I would try to connect my writing to sports." Currently Jungkyu is working at ESPN as a Statistics Analyst.

Paul Pettas

Paul Pettas '11

Paul loved campus life, serving as a 48 Hours retreat leader, campus tour guide, PULSE mentor and Peer Health Exchange educator. 他喜欢不列颠哥伦比亚省丰富多彩的课程,也喜欢在圣塞瓦斯蒂安学习电子游戏软件, Spain.

Jana Ross

Jana Ross '11

贾娜决定主修传播学,因为她喜欢写作和电子游戏正规平台,并认为这为进入媒体提供了广泛的基础, public relations, or marketing industries.

Harvey Simmons

Harvey Simmons '11

A double major with philosophy and communication, 哈维说,传播学专业让他“了解了作为一名创业营销人员如何切实应对各种挑战”.”

Genevieve Jarvis

Genevieve Jarvis '10

吉纳维芙在电子游戏软件时欣赏的一件事是精神上的. 她觉得“精神成分不是强加给任何人的, 但它给学生们灌输了一种“帮助邻居”的意识.’"

Raquel Small

Raquel Small '10

拉克尔认为,她的教授激发了她对通信和互联网的兴趣, as well as helping her to hone her writing skills, think critically, and analyze information. 她说:“我几乎每天都应用在学校学到的东西。.

Courtney Hovsepian Vidal

Courtney Hovsepian Vidal '10

Courtney felt Boston College was the “complete package,” with its strong academics, close-knit community, beautiful campus, and embodiment of Courtney’s own values and beliefs.

Alex Diamond

Alex Diamond '09

Alex advises students "follow their passions, and dream big...the worst thing someone can tell you is 'no'...just move onto the next and keep going for it."

Nijah Cunningham

Nijah Cunningham '07

谈到系里的教授,尼贾简单地说:“他们让我感到饥饿. They taught me that when you have a question, you answer it. You follow it, wherever it takes you."

Susan Mello

Susan Mello '06

Susan writes, “我建议学生培养对传播理论和电子游戏正规平台的深刻理解, take an interdisciplinary approach to course registration, 与同学和教职员工建立牢固的联系.”

Nicole Oliverio

Nicole Oliverio '03

妮可是美国全国广播公司(NBC)波士顿分支机构7News (WHDH-TV)的一名现场新闻记者. 她的工作得到了美联社多个奖项的认可,还获得了新英格兰地区艾美奖.

Erika Schonberg Alves

Erika Schonberg Alves '96

埃里卡鼓励学生利用BC的宝贵资源-校友. She notes, “在我的整个职业生涯中,我都受益于BC建立的强大校友网络,我建议学生们利用这些关系."