21岁的托马斯·罗南专攻计算机科学,而不是食肉植物. So why did he spend one night researching the Venus flytrap?

因为罗南在Mattapan早期小学(MEES)的一个孩子收到了一个捕蝇草作为生日礼物. 这个衣冠楚楚的七岁小男孩(他每天都打领带去上学)兴奋地告诉罗南,他是一名律师 4Boston volunteer, all about the gift. Before returning to his service placement the following week, Ronan looked up fun facts on the plants, and tips for care. 他把自己的年龄信息表打印出来,并在下次见到他时交给了他.

这些额外的工作都不计入罗南每周在MEES志愿工作的表面上的四小时, but he was glad to do it. 在奥尔斯顿的杰克逊-曼社区中心也发生了同样的事情. 20岁的金融和会计专业学生布莱恩·皮科拉(Brian Piccola)利用业余时间画了《电子游戏正规平台》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)的图片,在课外活动中带给他的孩子们. He even boned up on their favorite new cartoons such as Dragon Ball Z, 这样他就可以通过滔滔不绝的引语来给孩子们惊喜和快乐.

罗南和皮科拉只是卡罗尔学校108名学生中的两名,他们在过去的学年里在波士顿各地的224个实习岗位上提供服务. 4Boston只是电子游戏软件几个服务机构中的一个(尽管是最大的).

“It’s an amazing thing to me, the number of students at BC who want to volunteer,” said Vivien Morris, Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition (MFFC)创始人兼联合主席. “That’s part of the culture of the University.”

Shuttling to Service


卡罗尔学校的学生们在等待马塔潘/多切斯特的班车. 从左到右,Brendan Lenhard, Grace Nofziger,和Thomas Ronan,都是21届的毕业生.

莫里斯也是卡罗尔学校的社区参与经理 Joseph E. Corcoran Center for Real Estate and Urban Action, which began running a daily shuttle 今年将把志愿者带到马塔班和多尔切斯特. 许多学生也在高地附近的布莱顿和奥尔斯顿做礼拜. 但是,现在运送罗南这样的学生到MEES和莫里斯所在社区的其他地点的黑色福特运输货车已经出现了, 电子游戏软件致力于其城市社区的交通证据.

Wherever they travel, the students make a real impact in the education, health care, and social service sites that they serve. Morris says that Haley McCormack ’18, for example, 春天在MFFC实习时,她不需要任何指导, helping to plan an annual fitness event in the neighborhood. “有一个BC的学生能投入时间来做很多细节工作,让我们想要的大事件成为现实,这真的很高兴。,” Morris said. “Haley’s been extremely helpful.”

At the Jackson-Mann after-school program, 皮科拉和他的十几位同事填补了一个关键的需求. 他们在下午2点到6点之间为5到10岁的孩子们提供安全的活动和指导.m., when their parents were still at work. 除了帮助孩子们做作业,和他们一起打篮球, the 4Boston volunteers spent time listening to them.

“吃完零食后,他们就会敞开心扉,谈论他们的生活,”皮科拉说. 在他参加这个项目的两年里,“看到孩子们成长了多少,这是一件很值得的事情”, “not only academically but as people. . . . 能够和他们进行正常的对话是很酷的. They’ll ask, ‘How’d your exam go?’”

Conversation is key at MEES, too, say Ronan and his peers there. 这所学校为大量海地移民提供服务,其中包括经历过创伤的儿童. 简单地和孩子们交谈有助于他们的语言和社会发展.

Moreover, MEES has a large student-to-teacher ratio, 所以身边多几个大人意味着孩子们可以得到他们需要的关注. “It’s good to be there to pick up on the subtle little details,” said Ola Zaworski, Connell School ’18. “比如,如果一个孩子脱离了一项活动,或者你可以看出他们今天很不开心. We can go up and try to resolve the problem. That’s maybe the most moving part, 能够改变他们的一天,哪怕是一点点地影响他们的生活.”

Urban Action



Before the shuttle bus began this past semester, 学生们要花两个小时才能到达实习地点, switching among multiple trains and buses. Or they spent $40 to Uber it. 相比之下,乘坐班车只需要20或25分钟,学生们一分钱也不用花.

“我对航天飞机赞不绝口,”林奇学校20年级的萨拉·费伊(Sarah Fay)说,她是一名MEES志愿者. “I think it’s the best thing in the world.”

Just as the shuttle connects volunteers with their placements, their service connects them to the community. 所以科科伦中心提供这种支持是很合适的. 该中心的使命是加强跨学科工作,提高边缘化城市社区的生活质量.

“Each day, 来自不同学科的学生正在帮助我们城市社会变革前线的组织,” said Neil McCullagh, executive director of the Center.

“They benefit from understanding Boston in its entirety,” said Morris of the volunteers, many of whom are poised to become tomorrow’s leaders. “After all, what is an urban environment? It’s not just the hills of Chestnut Hill. Any student in the Boston area needs to understand it all, 如果没有一些挑战你通过媒体或其他来源获得的信息的经验,你就无法完全理解它.”

“When students leave BC,” said McCullagh, “wherever they go, 如果他们对城市生活有更深入的了解,他们会准备得更好. 如果我们能给学生提供体验式学习的机会,加强他们对城市生活的理解, then each one of those students will be a better leader, 一个更有见识的公民,更好地准备成为变革的推动者,为实现更大公平的理想而努力.”

努力实现公平,帮助得不到充分服务的儿童——这些可能是挑战. However, said Piccola, “it never felt like a chore.”

Patrick L. 1999年莫里西学院毕业的肯尼迪,是波士顿的一名作家,也是 瓦匠比尔:不为人知的工人波士顿马拉松的故事.

电子游戏软件媒体技术服务提供的学生在穿梭巴士站的照片. 由科科伦房地产和城市行动中心提供的马塔潘青年成就者试点学校的学生照片.