Discover Your Purpose

就业中心有七个职业集群,以支持电子游戏软件学生的不同兴趣. 我们的职业探索集群将帮助你发现你的技能如何, interests, 价值观与潜在的职业选择相匹配. 一旦你缩小了兴趣范围, 我们的六个以行业为重点的集群将帮助您为您感兴趣的领域的职业生涯做好准备. 


Find Your Cluster

职业集群是基于共同特征的一组行业. 每个小组将为你提供志同道合的同伴社区以及专业指导, services, 和资源来支持你的旅程. 熟悉每一个职业集群,关注你感兴趣的行业. 加入您感兴趣的集群. 可能不止一个,这没关系!


maroon magnifying glass

First-Year & Exploring Students

职业探索是一个令人兴奋的过程,它由好奇心、反思和想象力推动. 这个集群中的资源将帮助你更多地了解自己,以便在你的职业生涯中做出明智的决定. 如果你是一年级的学生,我们邀请你来探索这个集群, getting started, rethinking your future path, or exploring multiple clusters.

Learn more


As a Boston College student you are already gaining the skills most sought after by employers in these industries, 不管你的专业是什么,包括书面和口头沟通,  critical thinking, digital technology, and more. 我们邀请您探索这个集群,以确定它是否适合您,并利用我们的服务为您的利益做好准备和采取行动.

Careers in communications, arts, 市场营销提供了使用书面和口头沟通的机会, creative expression, 以及向观众传达意义和信息的多种媒介——无论是在博物馆工作, advertising agency, broadcast network, or beyond.

Advertising Broadcasting Film Journalism Marketing/Sales Performing Arts Publishing Public Relations Sports Communications Visual Arts
公元前:办公室/学生事务/ CareerCenter / SearchTags /交流
Consulting, Finance, and Business

As a Boston College student you are already gaining the skills most sought after by employers in these industries, 不管你的专业是什么,包括批判性思维, leadership, communication, professionalism, digital technology, and more. 我们邀请您探索这个集群,以确定它是否适合您,并利用我们的服务为您的利益做好准备和采取行动.


Careers in consulting, finance, 商业为运用分析提供了广泛的机会, critical thinking, 以及提高效率的领导力, maximize profitability, 并解决组织在全球经济中面临的挑战——无论是在房地产公司, your favorite retail company, for a local sports team, or beyond.

Accounting Consulting Consumer Products & Retail Startup & Entrepreneurship Finance & Banking Human Resources Insurance Real Estate Sports Business Business Analytics Business Development / Sales

As a Boston College student you are already gaining the skills most sought after by employers in these industries, 不管你的专业是什么,包括领导能力, global/intercultural fluency, critical thinking, communication and more. 我们邀请您探索这个集群,以确定它是否适合您,并利用我们的服务为您的利益做好准备和采取行动.


Careers in education, nonprofit, 社会影响提供了利用宣传的机会, service, 以及改善人类状况的领导力, 帮助别人实现他们的潜力, 让世界变得更加公正——无论是在小学里, a large foundation, a social service agency, or social impact company.

K–12 Education Higher Education Counseling Social Work Nonprofit Organizations Ministry Post-Graduate Volunteer Service
公元前:办公室/学生事务/ CareerCenter / SearchTags /教育

As a Boston College student you are already gaining the skills most sought after by employers in these industries, 不管你的专业是什么,包括批判性思维, leadership, communication, teamwork, and more. 我们邀请您探索这个集群,以确定它是否适合您,并利用我们的服务为您的利益做好准备和采取行动.

Careers in government, law, 公共政策提供了广泛的领导机会, serve the public interest, 确保基本权利和社会公正——无论是在律师事务所, an NGO, your local government, a federal agency, or beyond. 

Law Local/State/Federal Government Public Policy International Affairs Defense Law Enforcement
公元前:办公室/学生事务/ CareerCenter / SearchTags /政府

As a Boston College student you are already gaining the skills most sought after by employers in these industries, 不管你的专业是什么,包括批判性思维, leadership, communication, and more. 我们邀请您探索这个集群,以确定它是否适合您,并利用我们的服务为您的利益做好准备和采取行动. 

Careers in healthcare and nursing offer opportunities to use science, research, compassion, 以及批判性思维来提供护理, improve the health of others, 解决全球健康挑战——无论是作为临床医生还是护士, a hospital administrator, 社区健康项目协调员, or beyond.

Allied Health Clinical Research/Medicine Healthcare Administration Mental Health Nursing Public Health Wellness

As a Boston College student you are already gaining the skills most sought after by employers in these industries, 不管你的专业是什么,包括批判性思维, teamwork, digital technology, and more. 我们邀请您探索这个集群,以确定它是否适合您,并利用我们的服务为您的利益做好准备和采取行动.

Careers in science, technology, 工程学提供了运用科学探究的机会, research, data analysis, critical thinking, 通过编程来解决复杂的现实世界问题并推动创新——无论是作为一名软件工程师, data scientist, biochemist, or beyond. 

Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals Data Science/Analytics Engineering Environment/Sustainability Research/Academia Software Development
公元前:办公室/学生事务/ CareerCenter / SearchTags /阀杆


That's ok! 我们建议加入职业探索小组来缩小你的兴趣范围. 我们的专业资源将帮助您连接您的技能, interests, 以及潜在职业集群的价值. To get started, 查看我们的在线资源,并预约与职业探索教练见面.

Career Exploration

From the Career Center Blog
整合的力量-整合学习工作小组反思  Link to article
April 25, 2024
学生实习焦点:Kate Hui-Bon-Hoa, MCAS ' 24 - Reebok  Link to article
你觉得你的实习工作怎么样? I found my internship via LinkedIn. Although LinkedIn can seem
April 22, 2024
如何充分利用即将到来的夏天  Link to article
夏天是放松和做一些能带给你快乐的事情的时候. 但是不要让温暖的天气愚弄了你
April 18, 2024