BC Social Fellows

Each year, BC invites a small group of students to share the Boston College experience with a global audience through social media. “社会电子游戏正规平台员”是一群才华横溢的摄影师, videographers, 还有记录校园里的景象和声音的策展人, 整个城市, 在世界各地, 从平凡到平凡.

This internship opportunity is available to Boston College undergraduates from all schools. Students who can demonstrate a talent for creating outstanding digital content and an interest in learning more about social media are invited to apply 通过大学传播办公室.



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帕特里克·米尔斯(Patrick Mills) 24年的《电子游戏软件》 & Yating Wang '24

2023-24 Fellows


奥黛丽来自马萨诸塞州达克斯伯里的传播学专业. If she's on her phone, she's probably queuing up a Taylor Swift song or ordering an iced coffee. 奥黛丽喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光, 绘制跑步路线, scouting sales, 或者计划下一次旅行. 当然,代表BC!


A Wayne, PA, native, Emma is a communication major with a marketing minor. Emma loves traveling with family, spending time at the beach, and exploring new places with friends. In her free time, 你可以看到艾玛在购物, 阅读时尚博客, working out, 尝试新的餐厅.


Hailing from NYC, 阿雷拉正在学习计算机科学和市场营销, 因为她对技术和平面设计充满热情. You can often find her thrifting or traveling (when she isn't studying for computer science). She loves nature, exploring new places, and is growing her plant collection.

Katie Hughes '24

Katie is from Pittsburgh, majoring in international studies and economics. She is a member of BC Theatre, University Chorale, and the Student Admissions Program. 课堂外, 凯蒂喜欢旅行, learning new music, running the Res, 探索波士顿及其众多餐厅.

Teresa Knestout ‘24

Teresa is an elementary education and applied psychology double major from Silver Spring, MD. 她喜欢拍摄和编辑照片, 跑步和尝试新的健身课程, blasting karaoke, and traveling. Teresa is involved in the Student Admissions Program, APPA, Kairos, and University Chorale.

Patrick Mills ‘24

Patrick is from South Florida ane he takes a lot of photos and makes the occasional video. 闲暇时,他喜欢公园、海滩和现场音乐.

Jordan Nakash ‘24

Jordan is from Kingston, Jamaica, double majoring in economics and communication. She is involved in Caribbean Culture Club, Student Admission Program, and PATU. If she's not at a football game losing her voice, she's probably cooking or baking. 她热爱一切事物——食物、音乐、舞蹈和BC!

Yashi Phougat ‘24

Yashi is from Fishers, IN, majoring in communication and minoring in finance. 在伦敦学习期间, she's assimilating to British culture while keeping her American roots by 听乡村音乐 & 看爱国者队. Yashi很喜欢泰勒·斯威夫特,甚至把她的一首歌纹在身上!

Abby Slimmon ‘24

Hailing from Chicago, Abby is a communication major with a minor in marketing. Along with being a Fellow, she is a BC Dining marketing intern and 4Boston leader. 你可能会在波士顿的乡村音乐会上找到她, 和朋友打网球, 或者在每天的散步中听有声书.

Molly Bardong ‘25

莫莉是长岛人,主修传播学. 当她不学习的时候, 她很有可能和朋友一起开车兜风, at the beach, 或者去听音乐会. She practically thinks in TikTok sounds and loves making content for other BC students!

Sarah Dansreau '25

Sarah, a biology and public health double major, grew up in Hingham, MA. 她在科德角度过她的夏天,她喜欢去那里的海滩, watch the sun set, 探索新的地方. Sarah also enjoys traveling, shopping, spending time with friends and eating at new restaurants.

Sophia Faherty ‘25

Sophia is studying communication and marketing and comes to the Heights from Ridgewood, NJ. Her hobbies include going for long runs, skiing, and trying new baking recipes. Outside of school, 你可以在海滩上找到她, 与家人和朋友共度时光, 或者在车里吐槽泰勒·斯威夫特.


安娜贝尔在法律预科学习国际电子游戏正规平台. 她来自伊利诺伊州的River Forest,喜欢为白袜队加油. 她不跟朋友出去玩的时候 & family, she’s listening to Taylor Swift, going for a run, or doing both! 安娜贝尔喜欢在斯托克斯圆形剧场消磨时间.

Beatrice Hesse ‘25

Beatrice is studying communication, applied psychology, and management. 她从芝加哥来到山庄, 她喜欢在湖边散步,为小熊队加油. In her free time, she loves to dance with DOBC and take fun photos of her friends and things she loves.

Sarah Kadlick ‘25

Sarah是心理学专业的学生,从康涅狄格州诺沃克来到Heights. In her free time, she loves to sing, run with friends, and work on her small jewelry business. 你可以在娱乐中心找到她, working in O’Neill, 或者在Hillside享用芝士卡普瑞斯帕尼尼!


丽芙是新泽西州富兰克林湖的传播学专业学生. 她的一些爱好包括拍摄和编辑照片, singing, 弹吉他(尤其是泰勒·斯威夫特的歌), writing, and skiing. She loves spending time with her family and friends and will always suggest visiting a big city!


Jaiden is double majoring in psychology and African and African Diaspora Studies. 来自布朗克斯的他喜欢打篮球和国际象棋. He was introduced to photography in high school and has been capturing mainly fashion, sports, 以及从那以后他的相机发生的事情.


玛德琳来自芝加哥郊区,主修传播学. In her free time, 她在水库散步, 听乡村音乐, 在巧克力店排队, 或者在纽伯里街漫步. Madeleine is most excited for her second APPA trip and spending quality time with friends!

Saron Yared '25

Hailing from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Saron is a film studies and communication major. She is on the AHANA+ Leadership Council and a the event coordinator for the Ethiopian Eritrean Student Association. She also works in the Office of University Communications as a video intern.

Ellie Ascione ‘26

Ellie is from Belmont, MA, studying communication with a minor in marketing. 她喜欢与朋友和家人在一起,烹饪和旅行. 她最喜欢的几个节目包括散步, game days, 以及所有的传统,比如毕业典礼和周一马拉松.

Macy Cherra ‘26

Hailing from Kansas City, Macy is majoring in communication and minoring in marketing. 当她不拍照的时候, 你会发现她在看皇家队或酋长队的比赛, drinking coffee, 或者花时间与朋友和家人在一起.

Will Doerr ‘26

威尔来自密尔沃基,主修市场营销和金融. He is on the Marketing Academy executive board and a member of the Midwest Society. He enjoys traveling to Boston, shopping, exploring coffee shops, and hanging out with friends. 他对滑雪和摄影也充满热情.

William Kelly ‘26

From Milton, MA, William is a communication major with minors in marketing and French. 他喜欢做饭,和他的狗玩,开他的吉普车. You can always find him on his daily Res walk with a chai latte in one hand and his film camera in the other!


From Windham, NH, Julianne is majoring in nursing and minoring in psychology. She loves watching the sun set, taking pictures, and going to the beach. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, finding good eats, and hanging out with friends.

Audrey Chang '27

奥黛丽主修心理学,辅修艺术,来自密西西比海岸. When not hanging with friends with a Rat coffee, she's watching baseball, listening to Mt. 乔伊,或者为BC的年鉴拍照片. 她喜欢制作礼物,沿着海滩开车,在户外阅读.

Jackson Fiore '27

杰克逊来自康涅狄格州里奇菲尔德,主修政治学. 他喜欢深夜和朋友聊天, 和他的猫一起放松, and of course, 拍下他喜欢的人和事. If you see him with earphones in, there’s a good chance he’s listening to Between Friends.

Liana Sanchez '27

Liana is from Berkeley Heights, NJ, double majoring in marketing and communication. She is a member of the Dance Ensemble, Strong Women Strong Girls, and Student Admissions Program. 你可以看到她在欣赏加森, 在斯图享受深夜时光, 或者在牛顿公共汽车上了解流行文化新闻.


Isabelle, a South Florida native, is a communication major with minors in marketing and English. 你通常会发现她手里拿着一本书或相机. In her downtime, 伊兹喜欢在水库周围散步, 和朋友一起锻炼,弹吉他, Taylor Swift).

Student Photo Team

Yating Wang

Yating Wang ‘24



Laura Seifert '24






Julienne King ‘25



Avital Friedman ' 26
